

Schoology is a learning management system for K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and corporations that allows users to create, manage and share content and resources. Also known as a course management system or virtual learning environment, the cloud-based platform provides tools to manage any classroom or blended learning environment.

Technology to be used in Grades 1-5

Schoology is the tool that teachers will use to keep you up to date on the work that your student is doing in class. Schoology will be used to communicate what homework is assigned weekly. It will be a place for teachers to provide resources for studying and working with your children on their assignments. It will be where parents and students can see when any upcoming tests or quizzes will be given. Schoology will be updated regularly on a weekly basis.

Technology to be used in Middle School

FACTS SIS will be used for attendance and conduct.

Schoology will be used for grade book, lesson plans, course materials and homework.

Technology to be used in High School

FACTS SIS will be used for attendance and conduct.

Schoology will be used for lesson plans (calendar), homework (calendar), grade book and class materials.

Parent Login Information

Email address: This will be the email that school has listed for you in FACTS SIS.

Password: If you do not have a password or do not remember it, click “Forgot your password” to reset.

NOTE: If a parent has another child at a school outside CCS that also uses Schoology, the same email address cannot be used for both. The parent will need to change their email with either CCS or with the other school. If a parent no longer has a student at another school and are still experiencing a problem logging in, they should contact the other school and ask that their email address be removed. Schoology allows only one parent email per district/school.

To learn more about and customize the notifications you receive from Schoology, including a daily digest of overdue notifications, review this help page.

If you have any issues logging into Schoology, please send an email to

Student Login Information


Email address:

Password: This will be the same password used for your CCS email address.

* NOTE: Student logins are linked to Microsoft.