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If questions arise or you would like to schedule a tour, email the Admissions Office or fill out an online Request for Information.
The school’s dress code is designed to a) promote the decorum and dignity of our academic mission, b) promote unity of purpose within the student body and c) support biblical principles of modesty and distinction of genders. Supporting the school and coming to school each day with clothing in compliance with the dress code is the responsibility of both the student and the parent. Dress code violations will be recorded and repeated violations will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Students are required to purchase the following uniform pieces through FlynnO’Hara or Lands’ End School Uniforms from the list of items specifically approved by CCS and compliant with current CCS uniform code: shirts, blouses, jumpers and skirts. Students may purchase pants or shorts from FlynnO’Hara or Lands’ End School Uniforms from the same list or may wear a replicate. Students may wear blue jeans or uniform bottoms and CCS spirit wear on Fridays.
*Parker Uniforms: CCS Parker uniforms that comply with current dress code standards and are in good condition may continue to be worn.
Note: All uniform shirts, pants, skirts and shorts must be purchased from FlynnO’Hara or Lands’ End.
Cypress Christian School uses FlynnO’Hara and Lands’ End as its official uniform suppliers. These providers have required uniform shirts, shorts, skirts, jumpers and pants, and they also have a wonderful selection of optional items such as CCS logo sweaters, jackets and other accessories. Required uniforms, as well as optional authorized outerwear and accessories, are available through the FlynnO’Hara and Lands’ End online/catalog sites for our school.
Click here to sign up for the FlynnO’Hara newsletter, see uniform price list and more.
Click here to view the current FlynnO’Hara flyer.
FlynnO’Hara has a local store for trying on uniform pieces to assess sizes for ordering for your son or daughter, as well as purchasing in-stock items.
Click here to access the official CCS Lands’ End page and enter the CCS school number 9001-0114-8. This will take you to the CCS uniform webpage where you will find all items specifically approved by CCS and compliant with current CCS uniform dress code.
Students may wear CCS-approved outerwear. This includes outerwear purchased via a uniform provider or in the Warrior Warehouse that is navy, Columbia blue, white or gray. Outerwear provided by CCS athletics is also allowed any day during the school week and may include sweatshirts, hoodies, cage jackets or jackets in navy, Columbia blue, white or gray. Hoods may not be worn in buildings. All outerwear garments must be neat in appearance, appropriately sized and worn over approved CCS uniform shirts or clothing. Heavy coats may be worn to and from school but should be kept in locker during school hours.
Families may purchase spirit wear from the CCS Warrior Warehouse. Students may wear spirit wear on Fridays and other approved days. Please see dress code guidelines above for further details.
The Warehouse will accept cash, checks and most credit cards.