On Wednesday, December 15, the library hosted author and CCS alumna, Koedi Nealy. Koedi is the author of the book “Pennies from Heaven,” a fiction book based on personal events which teaches children that although they are young, they can do great things for God. In honor of her book and visit, CCS is participating in a penny drive competition benefiting Graced Ministry, a foundation dedicated to helping homelessness one penny at a time. We thank you for your participation and look forward to involving our students in making an impact on homelessness this holiday season. One winning class from grades K-2 and one winning class from grades 3-5 will receive ice cream parties with Koedi in January. Koedi also shared her message with students in chapel.
Koedi is a 2021 CCS graduate currently attending Southern Methodist University. She serves as founder and president of Graced Ministry 501(c)(3). A vision of helping change lives one penny at a time at the age of seven set Koedi on a path of years of perseverance and countless pleas for help. The non-profit, Graced Ministry, became a reality when she was 13 years old. Her greatest passion is mentoring and working alongside other youth and inspiring people of all ages to use change for change. For more information about Graced Ministry, please visit GracedMinistry.org.
“One Penny can’t help anyone, but all my pennies together can!” – Gracie, “Pennies from Heaven”