Tuition & Fees


Transitional Kindergarten (TK) & Kindergarten $14,555
Elementary (Grades 1-5) $17,165
Middle School (Grades 6-8) $19,110
High School (Grades 9-12) $21,675

Upon acceptance and before the student may attend school, both the Student Fee ($500 per student) and the first month’s tuition must be paid in full. Subsequently, tuition is due in accordance with your chosen FACTS payment plan. Students who are accepted once the school year has begun will have their tuition prorated.


Transitional Kindergarten (TK) & Kindergarten$15,570
Elementary (Grades 1-5)$18,360
Middle School (Grades 6-8)$20,445
High School (Grades 9-12)$23,190

Upon acceptance and before the student may attend school, both the Student Fee ($500 per student) and the first month’s tuition must be paid in full. Subsequently, tuition is due in accordance with your chosen FACTS payment plan. Students who are accepted once the school year has begun will have their tuition prorated.

Application Fee 

(New Students in Grades TK-12)

$150 per student

Additional Testing Fee (Grades 2-4) $125 paid to ISEE

Additional Testing Fee (Grades 5-12) $155 paid to ISEE

TK-12 Student Fee* $500 per student

Application Fee (International)

$550 per student

TK-12 Student Fee* $500 per student

* Student fee covers a portion of the cost of hardback textbooks, disposable workbooks, technology expenses and other classroom materials essential to the education of the student.

Elementary Athletics Programs – Fees vary
ActivityMiddle SchoolHigh School
Cross Country$250$275
Track & Field$250$275
Drama (TAPPS One Act Play & spring production)$275

    Huff Learning Center Program information & fee schedule available upon request.

Payment Options

The following payment options are available through FACTS Tuition Management.

Monthly Payments

Ten Monthly Payments. July (or upon acceptance) through May  (excluding January)
Automatic bank draft or debit/credit card.

Semester Payments

July (or upon acceptance) and December 
Automatic bank draft, debit/credit card or check

Payment in Full

July (or upon acceptance)
Automatic bank draft, debit/credit card or check

NOTE: A processing fee of 2.85% will be collected by FACTS for all debit and credit card payments.

Questions? Email Accounts Receivable or call the Business Office at 281.664.0230.

Tuition Assistance

CCS operates a need-based assistance program for enrolled families. Each year’s financial assistance awards are determined by the number of applicants, the amount of verifiable financial need each applicant has and the donations available to meet tuition assistance needs.

CCS utilizes FACTS Grant & Aid to streamline the financial aid assessment process. Families submit an application and supporting documents through a secure portal, and FACTS makes recommendations to CCS based on data collected. In addition to FACTS’ recommendations, each family’s financial and personal situation is considered. In some cases, a home visit is required as part of the tuition assistance application process.

Tuition assistance is awarded annually to assist with tuition payments but is not used to cover application/enrollment fees, student fees, optional program costs or other fees. Assistance monies are awarded in a prorated method throughout the school year but are not applied retroactively.

Once awarded, as a condition of continuing to receive tuition assistance, the student(s) and parent(s) must be supportive of the school in word and deed and remain in good standing with the school in conduct, academic performance and financial accounts.

Click here for eligibility, application process and contact information.

Education Loan Program

Convenient payment plans offered through Your Tuition Solution™” can help make tuition more affordable. 

Put your student on a path to success with the help of Your Tuition Solution.

Questions? Email Accounts Receivable or call the Business Office at 281.664.0230.

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Kindergarten Preview

Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30 p.m.

Prospective kindergarten families are invited to experience the CCS elementary program through live teacher demonstrations and interaction with the academic advisor, principal, and teachers.

Registration appreciated. Walk-ins welcome!