

The TK and kindergarten classes had the opportunity to meet former CCS alumna and published child author, Koedi Nealy (’21). Students were mesmerized by her, loved hearing her read her […]

Eighth-grade English students completed the captivating reading unit, “Unbroken: An Olympian’s Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive, the Life Story of Louis Zamperini”. After studying thematic ideas of hope, […]

The middle school drama class recently presented the play “The Second Annual Christmas Telethon Spectacular”. The show featured the Cypress Christian School middle school choir, a comedy routine and a puppet show. […]

On Thursday, December 8, the sanctuary of The MET Church was filled with the sounds of Christmas as K-12 students honored the Lord Jesus through drama and song performing “All […]

Recently, Mrs. Baldwin’s seventh-grade English students took learning “on the road” and visited the Lanier Theological Library to complement the completion of a novel study, “Anna of Byzantium”. They began […]

We are so proud of our elementary students and their effort at raising funds through Run-4-Fun! Students raised over $55,000! Funds will be dispersed between flexible seating and updated technology […]

Tenth-grade students celebrated Mole Day 2022, at the end of October. Each year, Mole Day is celebrated on October 23, from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. to commemorate Avogadro’s number, 6.022 […]

First grade enjoyed a fun day at Dewberry Farms on Friday, November 4. The rain held off and the children were able to: go down giant slides, be pulled by […]

God has blessed Cypress Christian School with some talented actors and actresses! The students listed below recently competed in the Division II District 4 One Act Play Competition and ranked […]

This year, our photography and yearbook classes offered our first annual homecoming photo contest. Students were asked to enter at least two photos in any of the five possible divisions: […]

On Saturday, October 8, Fine Arts students from our choir and theatre programs put together a production that glorified God and the talents that He has given our students. The […]

The entire fifth-grade class attended, and were able to spend three days and two nights working on team building, getting to know each other better and growing spiritually.

The campus will reopen on Monday, July 15.

Power has been restored, and the campus will reopen on Monday, July 15, with regular summer hours and activities.