December 16, 2022

Students Take Learning “On the Road”

Recently, Mrs. Baldwin’s seventh-grade English students took learning “on the road” and visited the Lanier Theological Library to complement the completion of a novel study, “Anna of Byzantium”. They began the morning with a tour of the Stone Chapel which was modeled after a sixth century Byzantine chapel in Cappadocia (Turkey). Students also learned about the impressive life of Mark Lanier and his passion to promote the literacy of God’s word. The students displayed their comprehensive Bible knowledge while studying the hand-painted frescos blanketing the ceiling of the chapel. Next, the students toured the exhibits in the library and witnessed students and scholars actively studying and using the library’s vast resources.

The impressive collection includes an original Dead Sea Scrolls fragment, a Qumran Scrolls Jar, a Tyndale 1536 New Testament, “The Great He Bible,” two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments, replica of Mt. Nebo mosaic, papyrus fragments and a significant number of items from C.S. Lewis. The students were especially fascinated by the Dead Sea Scrolls fragment and the magnificent Qumran Scrolls Jar, of which there are only three additional jars in private hands worldwide, and this particular jar is the only one in the United States. The students learned about the circumstances necessary to preserve the Dead Sea Scrolls for thousands of years as well as the fact that the Scrolls themselves prove the veracity of the Word of God. The seventh graders finished the day with a welcomed visit to Chick-fil-A which never fails to disappoint!

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