Student Life

Veterans Day Chapel

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, CCS was honored to partner with families, alumni and our staff to honor the military service of their loved ones. Student ambassadors greeted guests and handed out the 2024 Roll of Honor while the photo slideshow honoring those who have served played in the East Gym.

The chapel opened with Iva Nell Rhea, CCS Middle School Principal, welcoming the color guard of Harris County Sheriff’s Office as they presented the colors. Our high school choir, under the direction of Mrs. Amber Ward, led the audience in singing “The National Anthem”. Senior student Matthew Storey, President of the National Honor Society, led the congregation in our pledges and Mrs. Rhea gave the invocation. CCS middle school choir then sang a patriotic rendition of “Grand Old Flag”.

Patrick Reents, Vice President of Academics, provided a brief history and cultural importance of this federal holiday. Furthermore, he highlighted the bibilical worldview of service/sacrifice and the transformational work of Jesus Christ on the cross. 

Backed up by a powerful custom video presentation, the high school choir paid respect to each of the service branches, beautifully singing the “Armed Forces Medley” while our Ambassador Council distributed a custom challenge coin to each veteran as a token of appreciation. 

CCS Head of School, Dr. Jeffrey Potts, was excited to welcome our guest speaker, Mr. Stephen Novotny. Mr. Novotny, a retired U.S. Army officer and former CCS Head of School, enjoyed a return to the CCS campus after having spent 10 years of impactful ministry at CCS. He shared a powerful message, using scripture and the story of Jesus’ interaction with the Roman centurion to emphasize the vital roles members of the military play both in society and in God’s kingdom.

Finally, the combined choirs sang a beautiful rendition of “This Land is Your Land/America the Beautiful”. 

Thank you to everyone who made this event a special morning where we could all say “Thank You” to our veterans of the armed forces and to those who continue to serve our country. God bless our military, and God bless America!
